Saturday, May 4, 2013

Bavisela 21km Half Marathon, Trieste 05 may 2013

Tomorrow I'll run the 21.097 km "Europe's most beautiful half marathon". 
It will be my first half marathon ( mezza maratona) and I really hope that everything is gonna be allright from my legs to the weather!
I think that this is the first of some targets I have in my mind, a sort of list of things that I would like to do in my life.
However, I' ll tell you more about this race: You can choose between the 42km, the 21km and the non-competitive 8km (which is the most crowded and that I already enjoyed in the past), and all of them finishes in the Europe's biggest square placed by the sea that is Piazza Unità d' Italia, in Trieste, of course!
All the races have a part or the whole route next to the sea so it is very beautiful tu run one of those mentioned above!
See you there!

For more info check: Bavisela 

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